There is little doubt about the increasing part which technology such as data, phones or the use of apps has to play in the delivery of health services. Nor is there any doubt about the way in which, properly planned and executed, technology can save time and resources whilst enhancing patient outcomes. To illustrate this […]
Ultra-processing health
There’s nothing new about the warning that ‘if it seems too good to be true it probably is.’ Perhaps most often used to describe scam investments promising over the top returns, unfortunately the warning can also apply to so many other aspects of our lives. Most recently ultra-processed foods have hit the ‘if it seems […]
Pharmacy First
The launch of the NHS’s Pharmacy First scheme on 31st January 2024 has been heralded as a potential game changer for patient care. By enabling community pharmacies to prescribe and treat seven common ailments* it is hoped that the Pharmacy First scheme will enhance care options whilst freeing up GP time. So much so that […]
New year, new you
At the time of writing the new year is nearly a week old and already we are starting to see a bit of a change. Not necessarily as a result of new year resolutions which can take far more than a few days to take hold. The more immediate change seen is that the incessant […]
AI driven health care
Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) acting as a catalyst for giant leaps in health delivery? Hardly a day goes by without one news story or another extolling the virtue of AI. For example, at the time of writing a quick search of articles issued in the preceding few days brings up an article in Forbes on […]
Planning for the unexpected
We’d like to think that there is a pattern, a rhythm to life which enables us to make the most of our work and free time. When it comes to health services, boosted by efficient planning and the best use of technological systems, that rhythm should enable great patient outcomes whilst making the best use […]
Integrating digital health care
Who, What, When, Where, Why, hoW. These six ‘w’ questions lie at the heart of so much of our lives. And when it comes to our health and health management, having accurate and informative answers to those questions could make the difference between the delivery of successful treatment plans and an ongoing health emergency. It […]
Making or changing appointments
What is the number one priority for your website? Would you be surprised to find it is the ability to make, change or cancel appointments? That’s according to NHS England whose advice on creating a ‘highly usable and accessible GP website’ was recently updated in August 2023. With 62% of individuals visiting their GP’s website […]
Stepping up to health
Good news! Those who to date have struggled to reach the magic goal of ten thousand steps a day can now gain some comfort from a study which revealed that even four thousand steps can make a difference. The study, which was published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, aimed to build on previous […]
Understanding data: Improving health outcomes
Measure this, record that, track those changes: sometimes it can seem as though our lives are ruled by data. But as everyone in the healthcare sector knows, those individual data points can make a measurable difference to patient diagnosis and outcomes. That’s why digitising patient records is so important, enabling us to quickly share findings […]