
Raising awareness

What week is it? Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of time, with work days merging into an endless stream punctuated by weekends or days off.  But take a look around and you might well find milestones, special events which can help to break up the pattern and inject fresh awareness and outlook. […]

Boosting password security

How secure is your business? Do you check visitors in and out of the office, perhaps restrict access to certain confidential files, or work on a need to know basis? Or perhaps you operate a more free and open style, trusting your people to know what should and shouldn’t be shared and to act in […]

Smart solutions

The news that the NHS is rolling out a smart watch to help with the monitoring and treatment of Parkinson’s patients is just one of a long line of health innovations which are making the most of smart technology. Worn around the clock for six days, the watch contains sensors which enable clinicians to assess […]

Managing stress

There’s nothing new about stress. So much so that the stress response, or fight or flight response as it is perhaps more widely known, was first developed by our distant ancestors in response to threats which they encountered within their environment. Some of those long ago threats may no longer be there but the response […]

Calling support

Nearly 1.9million diagnostic tests were carried out by the NHS in January 2022. Add in the 1.8million calls fielded by NHS 111 in the same month and it is not difficult to see why some areas of our health services are stretched. Particularly so, as the same report from NHS England revealed that, despite 1.2million […]

Heart Attack: Dial 999

“You know that feeling when your chest feels so tight that you have to really concentrate hard in order to breathe?” No? Well neither did a heart consultant when this writer tried to describe symptoms to them. And yet, according to the NHS, “a sensation of pressure, heaviness, tightness or squeezing across the chest” is […]

Cold weather alerts

From the winter vomiting virus to spring hay fever, summer heat strokes to autumn seasonal affective disorders (SAD); every season has its peak illnesses. Of course, any of these can occur at any time, but health professionals are aware that as the seasons turn so too do differing conditions come to the fore. With that […]

It’s good to talk

Sometimes when things get too much, a quiet chat can make all the difference. And generally the first people we would turn to are friends, family, or colleagues. But there are times when those informal talks aren’t enough. Times when we need something more to help us to recover our equilibrium. That’s where talking therapy […]

Reducing the pressure

As the cold weather starts to bite, so too does the pressure on health services across the country. Slips and falls on wet leaves or icy pavements bring strains and broken bones to the treatment table, whilst seasonal flu and other viruses contend with the ongoing covid crisis. The result is an increase in patient […]

World Mental Health Day

It may have been running for nearly thirty years but World Mental Health Day is as vital now as when it was first brought into being. Celebrated on 10th October, the day was initially seen as a way of bringing forward debate on mental health issues. The first ‘theme for the day’ introduced in 1994 […]