- New Logo, New Website & an Even Better Service
At Clinic Appointments we don’t just help health professionals to improve their service to their clients; we also constantly strive to improve the service which we offer to the health fraternity. So although we are proud to bring you our new look website, we are even prouder to offer health professionals access to an even greater range of services.
Our existing clients are already benefiting from our recently extended receptionist hours. The added flexibility of call times on Monday-Thursday 8am to 7pm, Friday 8am to 6.30pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm means that clients are more able to telephone at times to suit them. This simple step not only makes it easier for clients to make appointments, it also means that cancellations can be notified earlier bringing a greater likelihood of appointment slots being re-filled. And with Clinic Appointments receptionists taking calls from 8am, health professionals can start the day in their preferred way without worrying about having to be on hand to answer the telephone.
From sole practitioners to multiple user practices and from osteopaths to beauticians we understand that the one thing all health professionals have in common is the desire to provide a great service to their clients. However, different practitioners work in differing ways and we would not want to shoehorn our clients into a single way of working. Accordingly in addition to our own diary management system we are now supporting PPS and MyReceptionist as alternative diary management options.
The Clinic Appointments rolling monthly contract already provides flexibility with clients free to take the service on a permanent basis or simply at times when they need to divert their phones. To help remove one further admin step we are currently moving our clients over to a direct debit payment system.
Finally, keep your eyes peeled for the launch of our new CallMe button. Once clinics have added the button to their web pages, all their clients need to do is click the button, provide their phone number and we will call them on behalf of the clinic. This easy contact option increases the chances of a casual browser converting into a confirmed appointment as well as making it easier to make those repeat appointments.
So, welcome to our new website and our new logo. We hope that you like the new look but even more so we hope that you will love the enhanced service which we are bringing to you and to the clients of your health practice.
Thanks so much for your brilliant service. My patients often report how friendly your staff are, and it’s nice to know that there’s someone to look after the line when I’m in clinic. Your online diary is so convenient and any requests that I’ve made have been dealt with easily and efficiently, everytime.
Thanks again,
Juliana – Physiotherapist, Harrogate North Yorkshire,